Louise Lynch

Louise has had several careers, including working for a law firm specializing in American Indian law; working in public television; working as a mom (phew! the toughest one so far!); writing a novel for young adults (How I Wonder What You Are, Knopf 2001); working at Time, Inc. in the international licensing department; and, most recently, supervisor of home repairs and decorations at the L-D residences. She is now looking to begin yet another career, so send in those offers quickly, before she is snapped up by someone else.

Louise is currently residing in Austin, Texas with her husband Peter. She is cautiously excited by moving to Austin, but was a little distressed by the triple-digit temperatures that greeted her on arrival.

She misses her girls, but is comforted by the fact that Toni is only a few hours drive away in Houston.

She has an intense dislike of family websites.

You can pelt her with e-mail at: LouiseLynch monkeynutproductions.com.

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