Party Pics

Following Toni's graduation, we decided to have a house-warmin', girl-graduatin', summer-celebratin' party. Almost all the Texas Lynches attended, as well as George, Kathy and Wallon; Virginia and Dennis flew in from Lexington; Ralph and Judy very nearly flew in from Gettysburg, but ended up missing their flight instead. We don't have many pics from the party, but I have a few below, featuring our out-of-town guests before and after.

You can click on a pic to get a large version which you can feast your eyes on or download to a file.

The invite At Rollon-Sushi restaurant Virginia and Toni at Driftwood winery
Juliette Madeleine George Pazdral, Peter, Virginia and Roger Morris
George Pazdral and Peter Wallon and George Lynch
Dennis at the botanical garden
Fairy house Lovely butterfly Sibs
Couple of moths

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